ep 49 - Timothée Bourguignon

Podcasts: DevJourney

Diese Woche zu Gast bei DevTalks ist Timothée Bourguignon.

Timothée Bourguignon

Timothée has been building synapses between human beings since 1983. As a passionate software developer, a coach, and a mentoring advocate, he takes profound joy in stepping on toes and pushing people to think about their journey. When the sun is up, he acts as the Chief Learning Officer for the MATHEMA GmbH company in Germany and spends as much time as he can with his wife and with [1;3] kids clutched on his back! But when the moon rises, he hosts the Software Developer’s Journey podcast (https://devjourney.info) and collects life-stories like others gather stamps or Pokemons.

Wir unterhalten uns mit Timothée über sein Podcast DevJourney.


Seid mit Live mit dabei am 30.03.2021 um 21 Uhr deutscher Zeit.


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