ep 17 - Marco Heimeshoff

Domain Driven Design & Event Sourcing

Diese Woche zu Gast bei DevTalks ist Marco Heimeshoff.

Marco Heimeshoff

Marco Heimeshoff is a trainer, speaker and software developer from Germany. He organizes KanDDDinsky, a conference about Domain-driven Design and the art of business software and co-founded the german DDD community in 2013 and VirtualDDD.com in 2019. Between consulting companies around the globe and his day job in building health care software, you’ll find him speaking at conferences about DDD, socio-technical systems and first principles. With over a decade of experience, he is helping teams to change and learn in all things from code to culture and to master Domain-Driven Design, agile software development, functional programming and CQRS with event sourcing.

Wir unterhalten uns mit Marco über Domain Driven Design und Event Sourcing.


Seid mit Live mit dabei am 18.08. um 21 Uhr deutscher Zeit.


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